Estás en: Eventos

25 abril 2018 A las 13:00
E-Commerce portrait of Spain and Portugal
The seminar consists of the presentation of the fundamental concepts of eCommerce, data on recent research studies that portray the state of eCommerce development in Spain and Portugal and point out some trends.

•          Impact of eCommerce on Marketing Management.
•          Essential Elements of a eCommerce Strategy.
•          eCommerce Development in Spain.
•          eCommerce Development in Portugal.
•          Spain vs Portugal: eCommerce Comparision.
•          eCommerce Trends.

Plazas: Máximo 20 personas por orden de inscripción. Se emitirá certificado de asistencia para cada uno de los seminarios.
Precio: Gratuito.
Lugar: Aula 1113

Imparte el seminario:
Jorge Remondes, profesor de Institute of Douro and Vouga (SVOUGA), Portugal.
Personal Website: